Die Vorträge

Die Vortragsunterlagen, die uns vom Vortragenden überlassen wurden, stehen Ihnen hier zur Verfügung.

Die Vortragsunterlagen finden Sie auch unter http://www.gtug.de/HotSpot2016/d_presentations.html.

Montag, 18.4.2016

1A01 I - Ausgebucht!, Workshop - YUMA: Opening NonStop for IB Hybrid Applications
1A03 II, Workshop - Java Application Server on NonStop
1B01 III, Workshop - Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3PAR and OneView workshop, with live demonstration (part I - Basics)
1B03 IV, Workshop - Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3PAR and OneView workshop, with live demonstration (part II - advanced features)
1C01 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. VSI OpenVMS Roadmap
1C02 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. VSI's Strategy for Open Source on OpenVMS
1C03 Butcher, Colin - XDelta Limited Moving to VSI VMS V8.4-2

Dienstag, 19.4.2016

2A03 Syversten, Ulf - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Applications which are already ported at NonStop X
2A04 Jongma, Frans - Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop SQL/MX "A State of the Union"
2A05 Pampado, Gianfranco - Smart Platform, aka TGDS in Telecom Italia
2A06 Bergholz, Andrew - Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop KeyNote Future Vision
2A08 Wallard, Jeroen - Another first ING's server migration 2.0
2A10 König, Franz - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Modern Architectures
2B05 Kraft, Peter - Hewlett Packard Enterprise "The Machine", Update
2B08 Biketi, Albert - Protect Your Digital Enterprise
2B10 und Mark Bower , Prashanth Kamath U - Data-centric Security and Key Management for the HPE Integrity NonStop X
2C03 Kolkmann, Lisa - Hewlett Packard Enterprise HPE Synergy
2C04 Kolkmann, Lisa - Hewlett Packard Enterprise HPE OneView
2C06 Liu, Dr. Feixiong - Intel Winning Mission Critical & Business Analytics Markets with Intel Xeon E7 Processor Family
2C08 Liu, Dr. Feixiong - Intel Intel Data Center Technology for the year 2016 and beyond
2C10 Castor, Jason - WWU Überwachung und Updates via HP OneView
2C12 Deutschland e.V., Connect - Connect Deutschland e.V. Mitgliederversammlung
2D03 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. Introduction to the x86 Architecture
2D04 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. Update on Porting OpenVMS to x86
2D05 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS VSI Compilers Future Directions
2D06 Moser, Christian - Maklee Engineering Running and managing Oracle databases on OpenVMS
2D08 Duffy, Kevin - Oracle Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS Product Update
2D10 Moser, Christian - Maklee Engineering OpenVMS Performance Sandbox
2E03 Bergholz, Andrew - Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop Customer Manager Meeting
2E05 Lesan, Rob - XYPRO XYGATE Data Protection - security without the headaches
2E08 Holenstein, Paul J. - Gravic Reducing Downtime and Eliminating Risk for Disruptive Migrations with HPE Shadowbase Zero Downtime
2E09 Khody Khodayari, Marcus Pullen, - HPE & Idelji Modern Operation Management Web ViewPoint Plus & more
2E10 Burg, Thomas - ComForte21 Hybrid is today! InfiniBand - Enable your application

Mittwoch, 20.4.2016

3A01 Bergholz, Andrew - Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop Virtualization Prototype
3A03 West, Michelle - DC Bank Mission impossible? Protecting BASE24's data-at-rest with tokenization and without code change
3A04 McLeod, David - Hewlett Packard Enterprise A brave new world
3A06 Ewing, Moore - Migrating an application on from JBOSS and JSE to NonStop
3A08 Kamath U, Prashanth - Hewlett Packard Enterprise NonStop Roadmap
3B01 Pennington, Brian - Encryption of data-at-rest on HPE NonStop systems - an auditors perspective
3B03 Bower, Mark - Coalfire High availability security controls for NonStop data encryption
3B06 Ward, David - IBM MQ V8 on NonStop - Update
3B08 Pullen, Marcus - Scout thru the jungle of Service Portals
3C03 Bruhns, Annemarie - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Transformation to Service Broker, Cloud and DevOps operating models
3C04 Butcher, Colin - XDelta Limited Virtualisation and Cloud Services
3C06 Tekieli, Adam - Hewlett Packard Enterprise HPE 3PAR Update
3C08 Jordan, Tobias - WWU Ablösung von CLX und Einführung von HP 3PAR Peer Persistence
3D01 Vanderhoeven, Camiel - VMS Software, Inc. LAN Driver Performance Improvements
3D03 Woertman, Gerrit - VMSConsultancy OpenVMS and Security - getting even more grip on your security with Pointsecure or NDC
3D04 Arch, Raimund - artedi e.U. running OpenVMS in virtualized Environment
3D06 Lauer, Thilo - Hewlett Packard Enterprise OpenVMS "Support News"
3D08 Woertman, Gerrit - VMSConsultancy Modern OpenVMS development followed by close control of the resulting application
3E01 Khody Khodayari, Marcus Pullen, - HPE, Idelj Performance Management In-house and Cloud
3E02 Kapadia, Yash - OmniPayments Inc. The OmniPayments Preauthorization Engine - the Fraud Blocker
3E03 Gines, Dirk Lobo - Stromasys Stromasys 2.0
3E04 Barclay, Callum - CSP Computer Securiy Products Protect-X:Automated NonStop Security Hardening and More
3E06 Lesan, Rob - XYPRO SQLXPress - NonStop database management the modern way
3E07 Horst, Henning - ComForte21 Taking tokenization and application transparent data protection to the next level
3E08 Holenstein, Paul J. - Gravic HPE Shadowbase Product Suite Update

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