Sessions am Dienstag, den 27. April 2021

Viele Vorträge werden hier als PDF zum Download bereitgestellt.

Connect Deutschland Stream

   OpenVMS auf x86 – Live Demo
   Thilo Lauer,  VMS Software Inc.

 Ein Abriß über den Stand der Portierung von VSI OpenVMS auf die x86-Architektur

x86 ist bereits die vierte Ziel-Architektur für OpenVMS. Wie weit der x86 Port gediehen ist und wie gut OpenVMS bereits auf dieser Architektur läuft, soll in dieser Live Demo gezeigt werden. Die Teilnehmer sollten auf eine erwartungsgemäß recht langweilige Demonstration gefasst sein, denn es wird eigentlich nichts Aufregendes passieren: VMS ist VMS ist VMS!

   AVTware-Legacy Hardware Virtualization
   Arie de Groot/Dirk Moeller,  AVTware BV

 Legacy Hardware virtualization- a solution for the Digital Modernization

  • AVT solution overview for Legacy Systems
  • reasons why doing HW-Virtualization
  • vt- Architecture & new features
  • AVT in the Cloud
  • Client case!
   Oracle Product Update
   Kevin Duffy,  Oracle

ORCL_Oracle Database and Oracle Rdb Product Family Update - Public, April 2021.pdf

 Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS Business and Product Update

This talk covers Oracle's commitment to Rdb and the Oracle Database on OpenVMS; working with HPE and VSI; product strategy; release history over the last year; current development activity; current project priorities, major feature highlights; product roadmaps and plans for future development over the next 1 to 2 years. The purpose of is to provide the listener with an overview of the plans and direction for both Oracle Rdb and the Oracle Database on OpenVMS.

   Best practices for OpenVMS
   Colin Butcher, FBCS, CITP, CEng (XDelta)


 Best practices for OpenVMS systems and clusters.

This session will provide information gained by practical experience with the design, build, deployment and trouble-shooting of OpenVMS systems, clusters and their infrastructure.

Colin's primary area of interest is high-availability and high-performance multi-site OpenVMS clusters. We hope that it will prove useful to increase your level of understanding and help you when working on such systems.

OpenVMS clusters can provide exceedingly high availability. The key to achieving this is to design the clusters carefully and plan ahead for change with minimal disruption. The surrounding storage and data network infrastructure is at least as important as the hardware platform.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Overall structure (system disks, system roots, page/swap/dump disks, common disk, data disks)
  • Quorum and voting - Storage connectivity with fibrechannel
  • Network connectivity and separation of traffic flows
  • Storage devices and shadowing - Performance: latency and the effect on write IO rates in multi-site clusters, NUMA, locking
  • Physical hardware layout (servers, storage, networks, rack space)
   T4 viewer
   Colin Butcher, FBCS, CITP, CEng (XDelta)


 A New Open Source T4 viewer. 

The old TLviz T4 data visualiser has many limitations and has not been developed for many years.

To help understand performance behaviour, Paul Dolan (a friend and colleague) with a lot of VMS experience has generously developed a new T4 viewer, which will be open source. We hope that this new T4 viewer will prove useful.

The new T4 viewer has a number of useful features, of which the following is a brief summary:

  • Ability to open many data files and show data from different T4 file types in the same view. This is especially useful for storage performance analysis.
  • Ability to show "composite data" derived from several metrics. This is especially useful for storage performance analysis.
  • Ability to describe shadow set memberships and thus show shadowset device and shadow member devices.
  • Ability to show multiple days.
  • Ability to show multiple time windows. This is especially useful for comparing performance tests that may last an hour or so.
  • Ability to save "recipes" for frequent use.
  • Ability to name all metrics. This could also be used to provide alternate language support. The session will describe some of the features, with examples.
   OpenVMS Cluster Performance
   Keith Parris,  Software Concepts International, LLC


 Effect of Retransmissions on OpenVMS Cluster Performance

OpenVMS cluster system managers have long watched for SCS credit waits in the $SHOW CLUSTER/CONTINUOUS display as an indicator of a potential cluster performance issue, but there is another potential cluster performance issue down deeper that may not be as readily visible -- down at the PEDRIVER level. PEDRIVER manages packets in flight using a transmit window, and if packets are retransmitted, PEDRIVER cuts back the transmit window size, which can result in transmit window slots being unavailable when needed, and causing pauses in packet transmission, which can hurt performance. Worse yet, PEDRIVER sometimes retransmits packets unnecessarily. This session describes how to monitor for and mitigate the effects of this potential issue, how to adjust the related SYSGEN parameter PE2, and includes a description of and pointer to a couple of handy new free tools that can help the system manager monitor and painlessly address issues in this area.

GTUG Stream

   Intel Ice Lake Processors
   Feixiong Liu,  INTEL

 Intel Ice Lake Processors: Architecture, Features and Performance Expectation

Intel will soon introduce the 3rd gen Intel® Xeon Scalable processors code named Ice Lake. Ice Lake processors are based on a balanced architecture with built-in AI acceleration and advanced security capabilities, designed through decades of innovation for the most in-demand workload requirements. In this breakout sessions, you will gain in insights about new Ice Lake microarchitecture, features and key platform technologies and customer value propositions. You will also learn how to take advantage of new security features such as SGX , MKTME and New Crypto Acceleration instructions to enhance security of enterprise and cloud datacenters. Last but not least you will be shared with latest Ice Lake performance benchmarks for different workloads.

   Data Centric Architecture
   Stefan Brock, HPE Industry Partner, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

 Data Centric Architecture – an enabler for data driven organizations

The HPE Data Centric Architecture aims to build the enabler for digitalization and data sovereignty. The architecture approach enables the fast and secure integration of any data source in the customers organization as well as in the wider ecosystem using streaming technologies like Kafka. This leads to new insights, reduces the cost of integration, highlights and diminishes application overlaps and fosters the value creation with new services on the customers data. The architecture is proven for security sensitive environments and supports the data monetization of an organization as well as an ecosystem.

   NonStop in der modernen IT
   Vlastimir Stankovic,  HPE

 NonStop in der modernen IT

  • NonStop ist Software – Full Stack NonStop
  • Cloud (native) Integration - System Management
  • Unwort Datenbank – die Müllhalde der IT
  • HPE NonStop as a Service
   NonStop Update
   Rainer Maaß,  HPE

 HPE NonStop Technology Update

  • Überblick über die aktuelle HPE NonStop Raodmap und Entwicklungen rund um die
  • NonStop-Plattform
  • NS4 und NS8: Änderungen zur bisherigen x86-Serie
  • Vertriebsende für die NS3 und NS7-Systeme in Herbst 2021
  • Q&A
   Thomas Oberst,  abat+

 "eddy+", die moderne web-basierte IDE für die HPE NonStop

Ergänzend zu unserem Vortrag „Modernizing NonStop Development“ vom TBC 2020, bei dem wir unser Kundenprojekt und dessen Lösung präsentiert haben, wollen wir nun unsere allgemeingültige integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung vorstellen. Inhalt sind unter anderem ein Funktionsüberblick im Vergleich zur traditionellen GUARDIANEntwicklung, ein Kurzüberblick über die gewählte technische Lösung und ein Ausblick auf kommende Features.

   comforte News
   Helmut Berenhard,  Senior Solution Architect, comforte AG

 NonStop in modernen DevOps- und Security-Umgebungen

Enterprise Compliance-, DevOps- und Security-Richtlinien werden immer mehr auch im NonStop-Umfeld umgesetzt. comforte unterstützt Kunden mit leicht zu integrierenden standardbasierenden Lösungen.

   Virtualisized HPE NonStop
   Prashanth Kamath,  HPE

 HPE Virtualisized NonStop - what you should known if you're considering it

It will be 3 years since the launch of HPE Virtualized NonStop on VMware. In this talk, you will hear an update on Virtualized NonStop and the roadmap ahead. You will also hear the best practices which you may want to consider if you have plans for vNS. It is based on experiences of customers and HPE personnel having first-hand experience of acquiring, implementing and using the platform.

   DRNet Update
   Craig Lawrance,  Business Development Europe, NTI Ltd

 DRNet Update for GTUG

Content will address successful execution of 2020 DRNet roadmap by introducing new solutions, expanded services, disclose new relationships and close with financial advantages summary.

   Securing NonStop Applications
   Henry Fonseca,  General Manager, CSP Security

 Securing NonStop Applications Effectively With Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication is a critical security requirement to comply with regulations such as PCI 8.3 and GDPR. It also provides superior safety measures over easily compromised single password methods. Any application with access to the cardholder environment must include Multi-Factor Authentication, from legacy Pathway applications to the latest RESTful interfaces. Tools and applications that have the potential to access these environments must include effective MFA. CSP's General Manager, Henry Fonseca, will show you how to secure NonStop applications effectively with our latest compliance and security solution, CSP Authenticator+.

   Multi-Factor Authentication
   Steve Tcherchian,  XYPRO

 HPE Virtualisized NonStop - what you should known if you're considering it

According to Microsoft, 81% of data breaches occur because of weak, default or stolen cre-dentials and 99% of these attacks can be blocked by implementing Multi-Factor Authentica-tion (MFA). MFA grants a user access only after successfully presenting two or more of the following:

  • Something you know (password)
  • Something you have (security token, smart card, authenticator app)
  • Something you are (biometrics)

XYGATE User Authentication (XUA) – included for free with your HPE NonStop server - strengthens the security of your servers AND applications through industry leading multi-factor authentication. XUA enables regulatory compliance with PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA and more. You can protect almost any application, whether Pathway-based or not, with MFA. In this session, XYPRO’s Chief Product Officer Steve Tcherchian will describe how to secure your environment against authentication attacks using the tools you already have. Nothing to purchase!