Warnung vor demnächst auslaufender OpenVMS Lizenz
If the customer desires to have notification of license expiration when they log in to the system, then they can put the following command in either their system wide sys$manager:sylogin.com or their personal account login.com command procedure.
$ show license/warning=45/nooutput ! Displays a warning stating the number of licenses that will terminate in n days. The default is 30 days. 45 days is shown in this example.
If the customer desires notification of license expiration even while logged onto the system, then I put together a small rudimentary (simple) command file (can be modified for additional capability or error checking) that can be modified to run as a batch job, or modified to run as a detached process, at the particular interval the customer desires (I recommend running it daily – very small overhead). The command file below sends a message to named users and sends VMS mail to named users notifying them of impending license termination. So the customer will receive 2 notifications of impending license expiration.
$ pipe show license/warning=45/nooutput | search sys$input "license" | (read sys$input x ; define/job/nolog string1 &x)
$ if f$element(5," ",f$trnlnm("string1")) .eqs. "records" then exit
$ reply/bell/username=LAUER "''f$trnlnm("string1")'"
$ mail nl: /subject="''f$trnlnm("string1")'" LAUER
$ deassign/job/nolog string1
$ Exit
The customer can put in this template their own specific user information and days before licenses expire notification. The example above uses the username LAUER and a 45-day notice of when licenses expire. If no date is supplied to the show license/warning command, 30 days is the default.
To run the above command procedure as a batch job (command procedure named License_Term_Check.com in this example) they can modify the template command file above as shown below. This batch job will run daily at 10 am (45 day advanced expiration warning) and resubmit itself on batch queue sys$batch (other batch queues can be used as appropriate).
$ submit/noti/nolog/noprint/after="tomorrow+10:00:0" sys$manager:License_Term_Check.com
$ pipe show license/warning=45/nooutput | search sys$input "license" | (read sys$input x ; define/job/nolog string1 &x)
$ if f$element(5," ",f$trnlnm("string1")) .eqs. "records" then exit
$ reply/bell/username=LAUER "''f$trnlnm("string1")'"
$ mail nl: /subject="''f$trnlnm("string1")'" LAUER
$ deassign/job/nolog string1
$ Exit
NOTE: Named users will only be notified (receive an alarm – 2 alarms actually) if the days until license termination is less than or equal to the value in the show license/warning command.